What does one do with their thousands of gel plate prints? Or the models constructed for exhibition proposals? And what about the vintage photo corners inherited from family photo albums?
I’ve created a collaged and mono-printed series that used all three! Behold Collection in Miniature I, II, and III:
Collection in Miniature I Acrylic ink mono-print with collage and photo corners on textured paper, available via SHOP
Collection in Miniature II Acrylic ink mono-print with collage and photo corners on textured paper, available via SHOP
Collection in Miniature III Acrylic ink mono-print with collage and photo corners on textured paper, available via SHOP
“Collection is Miniature” is a series made by scavenging my stash of unsuccessful gel plate prints. I cut out the interesting little bits with a pen knife and scissors. Then I spend an excessive amount of time arranging the pieces over a negative of a California Job Case. I make a tiny shadow and collage with an uhu glue stick. Lastly, I mount them on textured paper with vintage photo corners.