I have finally finished my most recent painting in the S White series, Bashful.
I have actually "finished" this painting several times in the past two years. Here are a few of the examples I could find of this painting when it was "done" previously.
I believe this latest version of this painting made a dramatic improvement. I am biased, but I think the piece has a greater depth. To me, the line quality in this work pays homage to the beautiful illustrations from the film I find so inspiring. Also, I just like looking at it and in the end that is ultimately my goal as a painter; to create something that is interesting to look at.
Bashful makes the eighth painting in the S White series. I love working with this subject matter. It is challenging to create a piece based on a Disney movie without simply making a piece of fan art. My hope is this series reflects the magic of being in nature and feeling like you've just walked out of the iconic film.
Here are few images of two works from the S White series exhibited at the Franklin Art Center's Lush Vibes exhibit earlier this spring.