New Painting

In preparation to be the featured artist at St Paul's Ward 5 office, I have just put the final touches on the my new 32" x 38" oil and mixed media on canvas painting that will make its debut at the exhibit!

I am still working on a title, but have long since referred to it as "the car painting."

Any suggestions for a title?



Many thanks to Nate Kaselnak for help with the custom-made frame and to the many friends who were subjected to my impromptu art critiques. 

The images in the painting came from a number of old photographs that I acquired when I moved into my house. These are some of the snapshots that provided the inspiration and source material for "the car painting."


UPDATE: The Untitled Car Painting is now entitled: Cold Start

Cold Start was recently awarded Honorable Mention at the Extremely Minnesota Exhibit at the Robbin Gallery in Robbinsdale, Minnesota.

Prints of Cold Start are now available via Tiny Showcase! Purchase Prints here: